This is film is based on the novel “La Lupa (The She-Wolf)”, which was written by Giovanni Verga. A widow returns to her birth place, where she falls in love with a young man, whom her daughter al...
During his summer vacation on the island of Mytilene, a young and lonely employee, Kostas, becomes infatuated with a femme fatale, Anna, a thirty-five-year-old German woman who is married to a rich lo...
Mikes, who is responsible for the sanitation of a big city, is a ruthless extortionist who presses his wife Anna to give him a divorce so that he can marry his mistress. His cruelty and insensitivity ...
The shooting of the film started in the summer of 1966 in Crete, using the working title The Face of Medusa, and was completed after plenty of revisions in the screenplay and its original form in Lond...
A pretty young woman (Vera Krouska), who is the widow of an emigrant to Germany, moves to Zakynthos with her daughter. She has an affair with the progressive teacher of a village and helps him with th...
A pretty young woman (Vera Krouska), who is the widow of an emigrant to Germany, moves to Zakynthos with her daughter. She has an affair with the progressive teacher of a village and helps him with th...
Shortly after Greece’s entry into the European Economic Community, a journalist presents research citing public opinion surveys. Kotsos (Kostas Voutsas) is the Greek representative. He is sent to Br...
Shortly before the end of the Civil War, in 1948, the villages along the border are evacuated to facilitate the National Army’s movements as well as to hamper those of the rebels. A forty-year-old v...